American Scientific Glassblowers Annual Symposium

Chair: Kristin Deady


Presenters will demonstrate their process in scientific glassblowing. All Demonstrations will be held on Wednesday June 19th in the Carder Room at the Radisson Hotel.


Ian Pearson – “My Favorite Seals”
9:00am – 9:45am

Ian Pearson will be demonstrating a selection of glass sealing techniques that he has favored over his fifty year career with working with glass. These will vary from straight and side seals, seals between uneven diameters as well as internal seals such as button and ring seals. A mixture of tubing and rod will be used with diameters ranging from 5mm to over 36mm. Explains Ian, I wish to show some very basic techniques that we all as scientific glassblowers take for granted and more importantly explain how and why certain seals give me pleasure.

Ian studio is in Thurso, Caithness, Scotland and he teaches lampworking at North Lands Creative in Caithness. He commenced his career as a scientific glassblower in 1970. Following glassworking positions in Manchester and Hertfordshire he concluded his full-time scientific glass career at the Dounreay Nuclear establishment. Ian is Editor of the Journal of the BSSG, Chair from 2002 – 2009, awarded honorary membership and in 2011 presented with his Fellowship. 


Doni Hatz“Various Ways to Shape Tubing With Molds and Forms”
10:00am – 10:45am

Doni Hatz will demonstration different methods to create various shapes in glass tubing. A sampling of different forms and molds will be shared to make specific size containers used in research. Some techniques are review of forms already shared in the past with an expanded use of tools and techniques.

Doni Hatz is a scientific and artistic glassblower from Portland, Oregon. She started her glass study in furnace glassblowing at Clark College in Vancouver, Washington in 1982. Within a year she changed focus and moved to New Jersey to study scientific glassblowing at Salem Community College in Carney’s Point 1983-1985. From there she began working in upstream research and development for Union Carbide Corporation 1985-1988 in Tarrytown, New York. It was there she became a member of the ASGS and the New York Metropolitan section (that is now the Northeast Section.) She moved to Long Island to work in the chemistry department at State University of New York at Stony Brook under Rudy Schlott 1988- 1992. Currently she works in research & development for the Procter and Gamble Company in Cincinnati, Ohio for the last 26 years. She has been active in the ASGS holding many positions most notably as President 2000-2001. She is a strong advocate for educational development and dissemination of information with the ASGS, the Glass Art Society and International Society of Glass Bead Makers throughout her career. 


Bob Russell – “Ribbon Burners: Not Just For Neon”
11:00am – 11:45am

Bob will show several uses of ribbon burners on the bench and the lathe. Proper tuning on and off, setups, systems, and techniques will be covered.

Bob Russell is currently the Instructional Chair of the Scientific Glass program at Salem Community College in NJ. He was an adjunct for 6 years prior to taking over the job when Dennis Briening retired. Prior to that he worked at Chemglass Lifesciences for 30 years and is an active member of the Delaware Valley Section of the ASGS since 1985 and has served as Vice Chair, Chair and currently Director.


Noon – 1:00pm – Break


Kiva Ford – Magnetic Distillation Head Swing Funnel
1:00pm – 1:45pm

This demonstration will show part of the assembly of a magnetic distillation head.

Kiva’s passion with glass began early in life, and was anchored with his college degree in Scientific Glassblowing. Through years of work creating complex glass instruments for scientist’s use, he has perfected his precision and technique in manipulating glass. Beyond the scientific community, Kiva is more commonly known for his exquisite glass goblets, bottles, pendants and vessels. Kiva’s artistic work is influenced by his interests in history, mythology, and the natural world.


Elayne Ashley“Double Sided Quartz Cell”
2:00pm – 2:45pm

This will be a fabrication of a quartz cell with a Dewar-like seal on both sides.

Elayne has been in the glass world for nine years. Beginning in soft glass she learned working from the furnace in both blown and hot casting while living in Florida. The National Conference for Undergraduate Research awarded Elayne grant funding for her thesis work creating and tuning glass percussive instruments. She has been an active ASGS member in the Delaware Valley Section and is now the Director of the Southeast section. Elayne currently works as the Scientific Glassblower at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia.


Taku Terada – “Tooling an Inner Joint by Hand and at the Lathe”
3:00pm – 3:45pm

Taku will demonstrate how to manufacture inner joints by hand and on the lathe. 

Taku was born in Tokyo in June 1978 and joined TERADASEISAKUSYO for glass processing from the age of 18. In 2007 he became a first glass product manufacturing engineer and since 2016 he has been vice chairman of the Welfare and Welfare Committee at the Physical and Chemical Glass Association of Japan. We are mainly specializing in hand-processing, and we are producing glassware for university  laboratories and many other enterprises.


Katie Severance – “Soxhlet : A Sculptural Approach”
4:00pm – 4:45pm

This demonstration will involve the fabrication of a Soxhlet Extractor with a Sculptural Inclusion

Katie Severance earned an associate degree in Scientific Glass Technology from Salem Community College in 2011. While studying at Salem, Katie completed an internship with Mike Souza at Princeton University. There she fabricated target cells for high-powered lasers while working with specialty glasses such as aluminosilicate, GE180, and quartz. In 2010, Katie joined Chemglass Life Sciences, where she learned to fabricate various borosilicate apparatus while operating a glass lathe. During this time, Katie furthered her glass education at night by studying artistic flameworking with renowned artist Paul J. Stankard. Katie has presented at the annual symposium of the American Scientific Glassblower Society, and at the International Flameworking Conference. Katie now works as an independent artist in Philadelphia, combining her skills as a scientific lathe worked with her passion for sculpting realistic floral designs.